Recently awarded 'Highest Rated' Digital Retailing and 'Top Rated' Chat provider. Check out our latest trophy collection.

Win the future with our automotive messaging platforms.

Backed by our OEM partners

Trusted by over 8,500 dealerships

Used by 90%of the top 150 dealer groups

1 million+ chatshandled every month

Trust and engagement

We believe that human connection is the key to driving sales in today’s digital era.

Gubagoo’s conversational commerce tools build trust and engagement to create a warm and memorable experience for customers.

Meet 2021’s Top
Awarded Products

Dealers and industry awards have rated our flagship products #1. Transform your customers’ car buying journey into one that’s modern, transparent, and easy to use.


Make it easy and enjoyable for customers to communicate with your dealership. Our omnichannel chat platform will enable you to boost engagement and convert more deals.

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Increase conversion

Goodbye forms,
hello real-time opportunities

When long, tedious forms are replaced with warm, helpful conversations, the average dealership sees a conversion increase of 2 – 4x.

We’re here to help

Unparalleled support 💚

We hear from dealers all the time, amazed by the fast, friendly, and thorough support we provide.

When we say 24/7 support – we mean it.
Reach out anytime!

do more with chatsmart

Powerful Integrations

We connect with more channels and leading industry partners than any other provider so you can easily and effectively engage with your consumers wherever they are.


Upload inventory to your business profile, leverage ads, and track leads in GLive.

Apple Messages for Business

Make it easy for millions of Apple users to communicate with your dealership instantly and grow your business.

Google Integrations

Includes messaging on your Google Business Profile and allows you to display your cars-for-sale inventory directly on Google Search.


Increase customer engagement, satisfaction, and retention no matter where your business is. All you need is a customer phone number to get started.


Allow customers to easily schedule service appointments right within the chat.


Improve your performance and conversion through the phone.


Turn your Autotrader SMS conversations into leads. Set up incoming text messages directly into GLive and we’ll handle the rest.

glive mobile 2.0

Stay connected
on the go

With the redesigned GLive mobile app, you and your team can chat with customers, send vehicles, and gain valuable performance insights with the new Dashboard.

Access all your Gubagoo apps and services from your desktop or mobile device, wherever you are.

Ready to revolutionize
your sales?

We provide support and quotes for free.

Sales Acceleration Guide

Learn how Sales Acceleration can increase your revenue and dealership efficiency!

Get the ebook

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